--a glass shop near by.Add.:2534 Seaboard Ave.San Jose CA 95131
Contact us for glass issue(408) 456 0535a1glass.ami@gmail.com
Home >> Q & A


Time:2024-01-22 19:56:39

1.Q: What should I prepare before make a call for ordering? A: Before ordering, please measure all the necessary dimensions for install an shower door / enclosure / glass /countertop. An on-site measuring may apply for complicate installation conditions.

2.Q: How long it may take to complete an order? A: It depend on the ordered materials and the difficulty of installation. Please refer to below table.

For standard Products

For customized products



2-14 business days

1-5 working days

3-19 business days

7-21 business days

3-5 working days

10-26 business days