--a glass shop near by.Add.:2534 Seaboard Ave.San Jose CA 95131
Contact us for glass issue(408) 456 0535a1glass.ami@gmail.com
Home >> Q & A


Time:2024-01-22 19:56:39

3.Q: How is the payment term? A:  50% deposit when making the order confirmation, 50% before goods delivery and installation /p>

4.Q: Can I change /cancel my order? A:Most of the glass products are customized products, we can nor re-sell to another client, so you need to pay full amount of the order in case you change / cancel an order. /p>

5.Q: How to pay? A: We accept cash, cheque, debit card, credit card, wire. /p>

6.Q: Can I return goods? A: Return goods unaccepted, no refund for return goods unless a quality problem. /p>

7.Q: Can I cancel an appointment for installation? A: a cancellation charge of USD69.00 may caused.